The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is compiled to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I participants a full array of training programs designed to meet their needs for employment or a career pathway. WIOA requires states to establish and maintain an ETPL. The South Carolina ETPL is housed on the Palmetto Academic and Training hub (PATh) website. The ETPL is a comprehensive list of approved training providers and programs of training. Each training provider and program of training must be approved by at least one local workforce development area. Only approved training providers and programs listed on the ETPL are eligible to receive WIOA Title I training funds through the use of Individual Training Accounts (ITA’s). WIOA emphasizes informed customer choice, job-driven training, provider performance and continuous improvement. The ETPL is utilized by WIOA participants, training providers, SC Works staff and program partners when researching career and training options.
To visit PATh, click here.
To view WIOA Student Performance Measures, click here:
PATh Video Tutorials:
Video Tutorials for Training Providers
PATh Bulk Upload Templates and Instructions:
To view PATh student bulk upload template and instructions, click here.
To view PATh program bulk upload template and instructions, click here.
Please remember that the state only checks for completeness and correctness of submissions and that the local workforce development areas are the final approval authority for sending WIOA participants to a program of training. The state “ETPL list” is merely an accumulation of each local workforce area’s training provider and program approvals. The state accepts all completed applications, which then must be approved by at least one local area to be published on PATh.
If you have any questions, please contact
Provider Information
Provider applications are submitted via the Palmetto Academic and Training hub (PATh) website Before applying for initial eligibility, a training provider must meet the following criteria as required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 122(a)(2):
A training provider must qualify as one of the following to meet the definition of an eligible training provider:
• Institution of higher education that provides a program of training that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential.
• Entities that carry out programs registered under the National Apprenticeship Act.
• Public or private training providers, including community-based organizations, joint labor-management organizations, pre-apprenticeship programs and occupational/technical training.
• Providers of adult education and literacy activities, if such activities are provided concurrently or in combination with other training services.
An eligible training provider must provide a program of training that leads to:
• An industry-recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of completion of a registered apprenticeship, a license recognized by the State or the Federal government, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.
• A secondary school diploma or its equivalent if such activities are provided in combination with other training services.
• Measurable skill gains toward a recognized credential or employment.
In addition to the required eligible training provider qualifications listed above, all training providers must:
• In-state and out-of-state postsecondary providers of training must provide evidence of licensure, accreditation, or exemption from licensure by the appropriate South Carolina or federal licensing authority prior to placement on the ETPL.
• Submit a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entering into a data sharing agreement with the State agreeing to provide information on training outcomes, including individual student coursework and other required student information to match training and employment data and outcomes.
• Have a SC physical address, or if an out-of-state training provider, must first be included on that state’s ETPL.
• Have refund policies specifying when refunds for tuition and other costs associated with the training program will be allowed. Refund policies must be written and published to ensure students are aware of how to request a refund.
• Have a grievance policy that provides due process for students to file complaints with an organization against faculty, staff or other employees. Grievance policies must be written and published to ensure students are aware of how to file a complaint.
• Comply with all applicable non-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions as potential recipients of WIOA funds, in accordance with section 188 of WIOA.
• A provider of training must be in good standing and current on State Unemployment Insurance taxes.