Advisory board agreement sample

Advisory board agreement sample page 2

requisite expertise and is willing to serve as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board.

Therefore, the Company and Advisor desire to enter into this Agree ment.


In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises and covenants contained in

this Agreement, the Company and Advisor a gree to the following:


1.1 The Company hereby appoints Advisor as a member of its Advisory Board.

Advisor, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, ag rees to se rve as a

member of the Company’s Advisory B oard. Such services will include

discussions with Company management and m ay include attendance at A dvisory

Board Meetings; additionally, Advisor shall provide such other clinical and

technical advi ce as the parties may mutually agree (all the foregoing shall

collectively be referred to herein as the “ Services ”). The Company recognizes

that Advisor may from ti me to time be un able to attend Advisory Boa rd meetings

due to Advisor’s other obligatio ns. Advisor shall notify the Company in t he event

of such unavailability. Advisor will perform the foregoing Services for the

Company in good faith and to the best of Advisor’s ability.

1.2 In consideration of the foregoing Services, the C ompany will grant Advisor,

subject to approval of the Company’s Board of Directors (the “ Board ” ), an option

to purchase XXXX shares of the Company’s Common Stock at the fair market

value of such stock as d etermined by the Boa rd on the date of the grant. The

foregoing st ock opti on shall provide that the shares subject to such option vest in

equal mont hly installments over a period of four (4) years , provided that Advisor

is still performing Services for the Company.