If you take the ACT, you should be aware of your ACT ID number. Knowing this number will ensure that you and the colleges of your choosing have access to your scores.
In this article, I’ll let you know how to find your ACT ID number, and I’ll detail why it’s important to know your ACT ID.
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When you first register for the ACT, an ID is assigned to your record. This identification number begins with a dash and is followed by eight digits. You’ll find your ACT ID on the bottom of your admission ticket and at the top of your Student Report.
The ACT ID is used to match you with your ACT scores. The ACT no longer collects Social Security Numbers, so all students enter their ACT ID from their admission ticket on their answer document when they take the test.
Make a note of your ACT ID. Save it on your phone or your computer.
Your ACT ID number can help you or a college locate your ACT scores.
In the event that a college doesn’t receive your scores, contact the admissions office at the college and provide the school with your name and ACT ID. Keep in mind colleges get score reports at different times. Some choose to download score reports as infrequently as every two weeks.
If you choose to send your ACT scores to a college when you register, allow at least eight weeks after the test date for the college to confirm receipt of your scores. If you test outside of the US or Canada, allow 9-10 weeks. (Learn more about the last test date you should take the ACT for early admissions and regular admissions here!)
Additionally, if when sending your test scores you accidentally entered the wrong college code, you can contact the admissions office with your name and ACT ID to ensure that the college receives your scores.
The college codes you listed when you registered for the ACT are shown on your score report, and you can always look up college codes on the ACT website to see if they match the codes on your report.
Furthermore, if you ever need your scores in the future, you can use your ACT ID to get them. If you didn’t register online, you can set up an ACT web account and get your scores online if you tested after the fall of 2007, but you’ll need to enter your ACT ID number to retrieve your scores.
If you did register for the ACT online, your scores will be automatically connected to your ACT.org account; you won’t need to enter your ACT ID separately.
Finally, you can either request score reports online or order score reports by mail or phone. Regular score reports cost $12 and $34 for archived reports. A report is archived if you tested before September 1, 2014.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions related to the ACT ID.
No. Just log into your ACT student account, click “send scores,” and select the test date of the scores you want to send.
You can create a web account after you’ve taken the ACT, but your previous information and scores will only be included in your web account if you provide your ACT ID. However, you can still make an online request that previous scores be sent.
If you don’t know your ACT ID, you can try to retrieve it by calling the ACT at 319-337-1270. The ACT agent may ask you for other identifying information like your address when you took the test and your test date.
Are you about to sign up for the ACT? Get our tips and tricks for ACT registration.
Applied for schools with self-reported scores, but after being accepted need to confirm your scores with an official score report? Check out this guide to learn more about how to send your ACT scores to colleges.
Do you have any other questions about the ACT? Get our expert answers to frequently asked ACT questions.