How to Tell Your Boss You Want to Be Demoted

Most workers want to get ahead and put themselves in line for promotions at every opportunity. But even if you've spent many years working your way up the corporate ladder or have a good relationship with your boss, professional or personal circumstances could put you in a position that require you to ramp your responsibilities down. It takes finesse to let your boss know that you are interested in stepping down to a lower position. It may make them feel like they're no longer able to count on you to fulfill your job responsibilities.

Communicate Your Needs and Feelings

Schedule a meeting with your boss to ask for a demotion. Select a time when your boss actually has time to sit with you and discuss the particulars of your request without interruptions. For example, schedule the meeting in the afternoon if your boss tends to be busy during the morning hours.

Tell your boss exactly why you wish to step down from your current position during the face-to-face meeting. If the job requires more experience or training than you possess, cite situations where you felt overworked, overwhelmed and unable to fulfill your responsibilities. Be honest with your boss if you wish to be demoted for personal reasons, such as the desire for a decreased workload to spend more time with family.

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Put Your Request in Writing

Write a letter to step down from a position to present to your boss at the meeting. Like a resignation, a demotion is an official procedure that requires documentation for your file. State the reason you wish to be demoted in the letter and close it by thanking your boss for having given you the opportunity to serve in the position. Confirming your request in writing solidifies your request and provides clarification of your intent to remain on the positive side of the organization.

Cover Your Back

Assure your boss that you will continue to do the best in the position until they hire a replacement. Consider offering to do the job for as long as it takes to find a replacement, even if you'd prefer to leave the position sooner than later. It's important to provide ample notice of your intentions, emphasizes Suzy Welch of CNBC. Your flexibility will let the boss know that you don't take the situation lightly, which will help you remain in their good graces. This is particularly helpful, if you need a reference in the future.

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Follow-Up On Your Request

Confirm the terms of your demotion. In most cases, you can expect your boss to decrease your salary and revoke any additional access gained to company resources when you accepted the promotion. Don't take this personally. The organization has a protocol to follow. Your boss may allow you to retain access to some resources, depending on which tasks you continue to perform on a regular basis after you've been demoted to a lower position officially. If you're officially separating from the organization, check into formal organizational policies. For example, Loyola University Chicago has a process that includes writing a resignation letter, returning University property and the date that you will receive a final paycheck.
