One-Way ANOVA: Definition, Formula, and Example


Suppose we want to know whether or not three different exam prep programs lead to different mean scores on a college entrance exam. Since there are millions of high school students around the country, it would be too time-consuming and costly to go around to each student and let them use one of the exam prep programs.

Instead, we might select three random samples of 100 students from the population and allow each sample to use one of the three test prep programs to prepare for the exam. Then, we could record the scores for each student once they take the exam.

Selecting samples from a population

However, it’s virtually guaranteed that the mean exam score between the three samples will be at least a little different. The question is whether or not this difference is statistically significant. Fortunately, a one-way ANOVA allows us to answer this question.

One-Way ANOVA: Assumptions

For the results of a one-way ANOVA to be valid, the following assumptions should be met:

1. Normality – Each sample was drawn from a normally distributed population.

2. Equal Variances – The variances of the populations that the samples come from are equal. You can use Bartlett’s Test to verify this assumption.

3. Independence – The observations in each group are independent of each other and the observations within groups were obtained by a random sample.

Read this article for in-depth details on how to check these assumptions.

One-Way ANOVA: The Process

A one-way ANOVA uses the following null and alternative hypotheses:

You will typically use some statistical software (such as R, Excel, Stata, SPSS, etc.) to perform a one-way ANOVA since it’s cumbersome to perform by hand.

No matter which software you use, you will receive the following table as output:

Source Sum of Squares (SS) df Mean Squares (MS) F p
Treatment SSR dfr MSR MSR/MSE Fdfr, dfe
Error SSE dfe MSE
Total SST dft